Best Life StorySubhash Chanakya: Satisfaction ... Depends on Expectation!

A kitty story. A countryman, a watchman who works in his palace, always noticed that he was happy. It is surprising that the guard in the ordinary job is not surprised at all the time when he is often unhappy and not too happy, despite the large armies, the enormous wealth and the unlimited powers.

A few days old king, one day he asked for the secret of that happiness directly to the guard. The watchman 'ma manna, my needs have been fulfilled. The food you eat and the bracelet gets you in the salary that you pay. Sleep is a tea hut.

Dear wife, are affectionate children. I live in a satisfying life, and that's the reason for happiness. " But the king did not believe in that answer. How is it that a watchman asked his minister to be so happy? The minister smiled and laughed laughing, and said, "It's not that the watchman still has to join the 99-union."

What does it look like 99-union? That same king asked. At the doorstep of the guard, he did not know that the minister had done it. He arranged to have a golden golden 99 golden snack at night.

As soon as the climax woke up, he saw the golden cup of gold in his doorstep. But many times, we have only 99 gold coins, and if we have a gold coin, we have 100 gold coins, so we decided that we should add a gold coin.

He started working hard from that day. He began to fight for his family to cut costs. The spells of the fun and fun with the spouse, the children and the game have gone missing. The watchman turned to clean, always angry and angry at anyone. And his face drank sadness and anxiety.

When the king saw the alert guard, he asked his minister why he said, 'Papa, he also joined the 99-union!' said. Sir, are we all members of this 99-union? Usually, many of us are desperate to have nothing to do with us.

And we will continue to increase our needs. Anyway, if anything else, we'll think that it's better! To reach them, we start to try; So let's laugh at the happiness!

'The satisfaction of the poor makes the poor one rich; It is true that the US's Benjamin Franklin is saying:

The main thing to think about is that you can not change some of your life. If it happened, it happened. Can anyone change the birth of family or relatives? What can be done if you are worried about being born in a poor family?

20 and 30 years of marriage, you have seen your spouse. The wife's character can no longer be changed. It is not possible to change your wife. And is it the best thing that can happen to all the way, as is expected in every way?

the husband? Does not that husband be of all expectations of his wife? Can that be? How can I say that if you are saying the truth is not acceptable to the true situation,

'One must always be satisfied with his wife, family, and wealth. That will give him a happy life, "says Chanakya. Is it true? Can not accept the change?

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