What do you think Artificial Intelligence is?

Artificial Intelligence in Movies

In movies, robots are able to talk, think, have emotions, and make decisions just like humans.

Artificial Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence? 

Artificial Intelligence is the development of computer systems that are able to perform tasks that would require human intelligence. Examples of these tasks are visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

Real Life Artificial Intelligence. Examples

❏ Self Driving Cars
❏ Boston Dynamics
❏ Navigation Systems
❏ Chatbots
❏ Human vs Computer Games
❏ Many More!

Weak Artificial Intelligence. 

Machines with weak Artificial Intelligence are made to respond to specific situations, but can not think for themselves

How Artificial Intelligence Is Finally Spreading Through the Supply Chain

Strong Artificial Intelligence. 

A machine with strong Artificial Intelligence is able to think and act just like a human. It is able to learn from experiences. Since there are no real life examples of strong Artificial Intelligence yet, the best representation would be how Hollywood portrays robots.

Machine Learning

 An application of Artificial Intelligence that gives machines the ability to learn and improve without the help of humans or new programming.

The Turing Test 

In the 1950s Alan Turing created the Turing Test which is used to determine the level of intelligence of a computer.

Controversy of Turing Test

Some people disagree with the Turing Test. They claim it does not actually measure a computer's intelligence. Instead of coming up with a response themselves, they can use the same generic phrases to pass the test.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence. 

★ Military Bots
★ The perfect lawyer
★ Music
★ Business
★ Healthcare

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

The most important purpose of Artificial Intelligence is to reduce human casualties in
➔ Wars
➔ Dangerous Workspaces
➔ Car Accidents
➔ Natural Disasters Or to just make everyday life easier by helping with tasks such as:
➔ Cleaning
➔ Shopping
➔ Transportation

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