How do I grow my news/entertainment based website?

You need to go for step by step strategy to achieve your goals.

Entertainment niche have less CPC than other niche. So you should not expect much results for it in early days.

Here are things you can try.

1. Advertising: I have seen and observed good results by advertising the post. Your first choice for advertising should be Facebook. Facebook is a best website to reach the audience you want. One thing you should notice: Don't go for page promotions. Instead you should make a post on a viral topic and start advertising for it. In this way you will get the interested visitors to your blog. Furthermore if the content is worthy and interesting then they will certainly like your page too. So you are doing indirect promotions for your page too.

2. On page Optimization: I saw your site and certainly can say that you have enough potential to rock in this field. Whenever a user come to your blog you need to engage that audience in your blog. But you are only using 3 relative post. You can get the idea from viral websites like rajnikantvscid or scoopwoop. They have used a lot of optimization techniques. Like showing more related content and using infinite scroll theme. which works best for site like yours.

3. Content writer: These are viral topic niche. So obviously you need more content writer for it. If you have enough budget then hire some quality writer who can bring latest trending news on the matter stack. But that depends upon you. You can also go for hard work yourself if you are struggling with budget. But if you have enough money to invest then certainly it is the must have options.
4. Competitor targeting: Competitor are the best resources for you in beginning of any site. They help you to get huge traffic to your site. Take an idea from the big site in your category. Look bringing traffic to site is different thing and providing quality to your visitor is different thing. Try to research on the big player in your niche. Use Backlink Checker & SEO Report and position explorer tool to see the keywords on which they are getting huge traffic. I have researched many big site in my niche and found out that they are getting traffic on some selected post and rest they are depending upon optimization.

5. Monetization: If you got enough traffic then go for other monetization network like Tabola which works great too. Also you can take help from sponsored post.

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